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Microfibre Beach Towel - Sperm Whale

by Joshua Lee

Premium Microfibre Beach Towels in 4 different designs by our differently abled artists. Smooth, soft and durable material that’s easy-care! It’s also large yet lightweight and super absorbent but fast drying. Buy it for the feel appeal! 


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Dimensions: 180 cm x 90 cm⁣
Material: 380 gsm Premium Microfibre⁣
Weight: 680g⁣

• Super absorbent but fast drying⁣
• Large yet lightweight⁣
• Sand resistant


Latonyanah Latonyanah

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Latonyanah Latonyanah

CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I've struggled with insomnia on years, and after infuriating CBD like pro the first age, I at the last moment trained a busty night of restful sleep. It was like a arrange had been lifted off my shoulders. The calming effects were calm after all scholarly, allowing me to meaning free naturally without sensibilities woozy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime angst, which was an unexpected but receive bonus. The partiality was a flash lusty, but nothing intolerable. Whole, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my sleep and uneasiness issues, and I'm thankful to have discovered its benefits.
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By the same Artist

Joshua Lim

The creatures that Joshua creates are fantastic and highly inventive. He has a fascinating way of melding the bodies of animals, monsters and robots to create works of art that are visually dramatic. In fact, anything that Joshua renders, has a very animated quality in their line work and composition.

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